by Michael Bedford
Published at 2023-11-29
No longer relegated to choosing between just a few different reading apps, avid readers now have several options on offer. And, because different people like to read and approach reading differently, not all reading apps perform the same way. Some apps are great for tracking one’s reading list. Other apps specialize in content for children or allow users to take full advantage of libraries’ digital stacks. The 6 apps on this list offer a wide variety of features, and each one provides unique options that make it stand out.
With no e-reading functionality, this app might not be exactly what some book lovers are looking for. Instead, Goodreads gives users access to a massive online community of readers. Users can peruse others’ reading lists, read user-submitted reviews of books, and swap opinions about the books they’ve read. Goodreads has been around for a few years now, so it boasts a lot of users and an even greater amount of content. No need to worry about compatibility. Goodreads is available on both iOS and Android devices.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, one of the most experienced names in e-reading continues to offer one of the most popular apps on the market. Unlike Goodreads, Kindle is an e-reading app for Kindle-branded ebooks, so if you’re planning on purchasing a few ebooks from Amazon, this app is great for iOS and Android users who want access to Amazon’s expansive digital catalogue but don’t want to buy a Kindle device. The Kindle app also comes with a few cool bells and whistles, especially its X-Ray service which provides readers with extra material and information about what they’re reading.
As the name implies, this e-reader provides an experience targeted at readers of comic books and graphic novels. Another Amazon property, ComiXology offers iOS and Android users access to a huge catalogue of digital comics. And, ComiXology’s cinematic guided view option provides a good solution to the problem of how to read comics, which often have small or blurry print, on one’s phone without having to continually zoom in and out manually.
I know a few avid readers who love their Libby app. From Overdrive, Libby is a free app that allows iOS and Android users access to libraries’ digital collections. Provided it has some on offer, Libby also gives users access to their library’s collection of audiobooks.
Another unique editorial app, Wattpad gives iOS and Android subscribers access to an online community of aspiring writers and interested readers. Wattpad gives users a chance to publish their work and enter literary contests. Seeking publication isn’t mandatory for all users, though. Readers who prefer new work from budding writers will appreciate the wide variety of new talent that Wattpad offers.
Scribd offers subscribers access to a huge library of ebooks and audiobooks for a reasonable monthly fee. Although subscribers are restricted to Scribd’s online catalogue, with hundreds of thousands of options to choose from, Scribd gives even the biggest bookworms a lot of options. And, if you’ve run out of ideas for what to read next, Scribd will offer suggestions on what to check out. And, if you just need to put one of your ebooks down for a bit, you can always save the book for later by using one of your shelves.
So, if there’s an avid reader in your life who already owns every book they could ever want, consider a subscription to one of the premium apps in this article. Sure, a good book is always a good present, but gaining access to hundreds of thousands of ebooks, that’s a gift that keeps on giving.
Michael Bedford is a freelance editor, copywriter, and performer living in Stoney Creek, Ontario. He can be reached at https://mgb-editor.com/.
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