The recent heat wave provided ample opportunity to enjoy a frosty beverage or two either on a patio or within the confines of one’s air-conditioned ho...
These days, social media has become by far the most common way for people to forge new social connections and to stay connected with loved ones all ov...
The air is getting colder, the nights are getting darker, and the spookiest season of the year is upon us! For many people, that means watching their ...
If you’re thinking about holiday gifts for the editor in your life, look no further! This gift guide is your ultimate resource for picking out that sp...
It’s an exciting time in the TEC office — we have our new working space set up, our new website is launched, and our new editor is joining our team. A...
It has been quite the whirlwind of a year at TEC! We’ve had a lot of changes throughout 2018, many of which have culminated just within the last few m...
The holiday season has ended, and, after countless glasses of eggnog, mulled wine, and holiday-themed beer, many revelers are happy to...
We at TEC have launched a new event this Holiday Season. Instead of going out for lunch or dinner, we decided we would enjoy a full week of deliciou...
As some of you may know, I am taking a hiatus from editing this spring, as I'm expecting my first baby to arrive any day now. Alth...
Happy 2016! The end of the year allowed us to take some time to rest, relax, and recharge. We hope your holidays were great and, like us, you are now ...
Though winter is not officially upon us until December 22, colder temperatures and frost-laden lawns have already been making appearances in Toronto...
Fall has definitely arrived on this post-Thanksgiving Monday … wind, rain, and turning leaves … at least here in Toronto. And lots has...
What's Up @ TEC! August/September 2015 Edition Here we are in August, enjoying the summer and all that it has to offer. ...
There are no words I can use to apologize for the hiatus in the bi-monthly updates from TEC. Since January/February a few things have happen...
Happy New Year to all! We hope you had a safe, meaningful, and enjoyable holiday season, and that getting back to the usual grind hasn’t been to...
Why the square brackets around November? Because we were so busy that the end of November was upon us before we knew it. Of course, this is a wonderfu...
Such a great summer of conferences, mild weather, FIFA games, reading vacations, meditation retreats, bachelorette parties, 5K runs, TIFF … and...
It is mid-July and FIFA has come and gone (sorry, Argentina)! In June, we attended several informative professional conferences and re...
The Library One of my first jobs was working in a library in downtown Toronto. Every morning after riding the packed subway then dodging pe...
Finally! Spring has arrived in Toronto, and with it comes a host of professional conferences: the Berkshire Conference on the History of Women runs ...
I call my decision to change careers in mid-life my “second beginning.” I realize it’s an oxymoron, but for me it defines the plac...
It’s hard to believe that the first three months of 2014 are heading into the fourth. Spring for most of us still hasn’t arrived, but ho...
It's January 2014! From all of us here at The Editing Company, many good wishes for a prosperous New Year. We’ve had a busy f...
Another November has rolled in, and with it a host of exciting and diverse projects for copy editing and proofreading from business reports to grant...
Copy editing and proofreading of business reports, academic manuscripts, publisher’s manuscripts, website copy, grant proposals — t...
Way back in December of 2010, I was fresh off an editorial internship and looking for a place to put my newly sharpened skills to work. Back then, T...
July is officially here — as is Toronto's annual tradition of pretending to be a furnace. Our tips for handling the heat and humidit...
The Cold Call As a college lecturer in Pakistan, I had never been reduced to making cold calls. As a newcomer to Canada, however, things were entir...
We have big news this month! Thanks to the energetic efforts of Max and Jessie, our social media coordinators, we now have over 300 followers on Twi...
Greetings, gentle readers, and happy belated New Year! Here at TEC, we’ve returned from a restful holiday break with enough renewed energy to di...
It’s getting cold out there in Toronto. Though the heap of projects on our desks grows ever larger, we TEC editors have still been finding the...
The gusty winds of October are trimming the trees of their leaves here in Toronto. Hard to believe it is autumn and we are heading into winter. When w...
It's August 1st and the summer is moving along at a steamy pace here in Toronto. Torontonians have experienced some hot weather and amazing thundersto...
Staff Changes It’s always hard to see someone go, but it's equally exciting to welcome new faces to our team. At the end of May we bade a fon...
Today is my last day at The Editing Company. I feel sad as I write this because this marks the end of an era for me. However, I am also fille...
Spring is finally coming to Toronto, and budding along with the leaves are a number of exciting new projects for TEC’s editors. We might add tha...
We’re already a whole month into 2012 and so far it’s shaping up to be an interesting year. January brought a wide variety of proj...
Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of discovering The Editing Company—a short walk from the College subway station—and eventually of jo...
Here at TEC we are celebrating our 4th Anniversary. The year introduced us to many wonderful new clients and opportunities, and gave us the chance to ...
Visitors and our fellow fourth-floor dwellers often comment on how little noise we make in our office. It seems to surprise them that three editors ...