
Watching the EdgeWalkers

by Nadine Bachan

Published at 2011-08-05

Visitors and our fellow fourth-floor dwellers often comment on how little noise we make in our office. It seems to surprise them that three editors sitting in close quarters can be so silent. It’s no mystery to us: the nature of our work here at The Editing Company requires quiet concentration. For most of the day we sit at our desks, focused intently on our work—which is often a combination of proofreading, copyediting, and clearing permissions—and usually remain this way for hours. It’s a highly absorbing job, being an editor.
It’s very important to find the time to take a break. Whether it’s by stopping for lunch or conversing with each other, we always make the effort to mentally and/or physically step away from work to refuel, reflect, and relax.
An Office with a View
What seems to do the trick these days is the view out our south-facing window. In the winter, we would look out and watch the snow falling. In the spring, we could spend a few tranquil moments gazing at the budding trees and dark rainclouds. This summer, we’ve been graced with the warmth and light of the brilliant sun.
This week, the TEC team has been particularly mindful of the view, periodically glancing out the window at the CN Tower. Something new and exciting has been happening in clear sight, a phenomenon we’ve actually been anticipating for some time now … the EdgeWalk.
Yes, we can see (with the help of Beth’s handy binoculars) groups of orange jumpsuit-clad daredevils do the EdgeWalk. The unique and thrilling attraction opened to the public on August 1st and, so far, we’ve seen four separate groups of people walk around the perimeter of the Tower, just above the 360 Restaurant.
To us, they are tiny orange dots moving slowly from left to right against the grey of the structure. With the binoculars, we can just make out the shapes of their bodies and wonder how many of them are actually quaking in their boots. It’s been nerve-wracking just watching from afar. I can’t begin to imagine what that experience must be like. At $175 plus tax per person, I’m hoping it’s worthwhile.
From now until the end of October, we’ll be able to unwind our brains and sip our tea while watching people teeter 350 metres above the earth and cheat death. Is there any better way to take a break?