by Beth McAuley
Published at 2015-08-03
What's Up @ TEC! August/September 2015 Edition
Here we are in August, enjoying the summer and all that it has to offer. Toronto has been abuzz with the Pan Am and Para Pan Am Games. Our TEC editor Chris Cameron volunteered as a field-of-play marshal at the men's and women's triathlons on the course of the road cycling events. "It's a great thrill to watch the elite athletes from such a close vantage point," says Chris. "It's also a privilege to be able to give something back to the sports I've participated in for so many years.”
Congratulations to all the medalists of the Pan Am competitions and good luck to all the athletes about to compete in the Para Pan Am events!
The Editors’ Association of Canada hosted its extremely successful Going Global Conference at the Toronto Convention Centre in June. Editors from around the world took part in informative sessions and workshops, as did several of us from TEC. Read what inspired Lesley-Anne, Melissa, and Chris.
This August/September marks another exciting event for us here at TEC. We will be completing Year 7 and heading into Year 8. Congratulations to our dynamic editing team for reaching this milestone! We look forward to new adventures in the year ahead as we continue to build the Company and provide our wide range of editorial services to our many wonderful clients. We also look forward to celebrating our anniversary over dinner on the lovely patio of Pizzeria Via Mercanti.
And just so we don’t slow down … Word On The Street will be happening on September 27 here in Toronto. This year the much-loved book festival will be held at Harbourfront Centre. Click here for details. TEC will be “Friending an Author” at the event as we did last year. We’ll be keeping you posted on who the author is through Twitter and our eNewsletter. For last year’s author event, check out how Mary Anne enjoyed Shawn Micallef’s reading of The Trouble with Brunch.
New Editing Resources
We have just released our third eResource entitled Archiving Your Academic Sources. Using digital sources in academic writing is becoming increasingly common and that comes with the risk that digital links will disappear. This guide suggests some simple steps to archive digital sources so that yours don’t disappear off the digital shelf. Click here to download your free copy.
And if you are looking for a rough idea of how much you will be spending on the editing of your work, be sure to download Budgeting for Editing: A Quick Calculator. Click here to download your free copy.
Academic Book & Journal Projects: Edited & Published
Indigenous Men and Masculinities: Legacies, Identities, Regeneration, edited by Robert Alexander Innes and Kim Anderson. (U of Manitoba Press, fall 2015)
Holocaust Survivors in Canada: Exclusion, Inclusion, Transformation, 1947-1955, by Adara Goldberg. (U of Manitoba Press, fall 2015)
The Myth of the Born Criminal: Psychopathy, Nerobiology, and the Creation of the Modern Degenerate, by Jarkko Jalava, Stephanie Griffiths, and Michael Maraun. (U of Toronto Press, 2015)
Canadian Journal of Education, Volume 38, Issue 2 (Summer 2015).
New Academic Copy Editing Projects
Academic Journal Editing
Canadian Journal of Education 38:3 is now in editing and layout and is slated for publication at the end of September.
Academic Book Manuscripts
We completed a copyedit of a Planning for Co-Existence? Recognizing Indigenous Rights through Land-use Planning in Canada and Australia by Janice Barry and Libby Porter, which is being published by Ashgate Press in the UK.
We are starting another anthropology manuscript with UTP Higher Education, as well as a manuscript looking at developments in international environmental law.
Our University of Toronto Press projects include a history of rural life and society in Canada, the writings of Joshua Heschel, the ethics of Bernard Lonergan, and Dante’s Banquet. We are also assisting with the review of first pages for the third volume of The Correspondence of Wolfgang Capito, 1532–1536.
Substantive Editing
All’s quiet on the substantive editing front.
Non-Fiction Editing
The summer issue of Think: The Lola Stein Institute Journal is in copyediting over the month of June, with production and proofing in July.
Business Copy Editing & Proofreading
Our client SCMA has hired us once again to proofread the revised training materials for the organization’s certification program. We will be working with SCMA over the coming months as they revise each module.
The Trust Child Care Centre in Toronto found us online and sent us its handbook for a bit of restructuring and a copyedit. Once the final copy is approved, we will use InDesign to create a clean and professional document for the Centre’s clients.
Plus, we completed the editing of Leading through Language by Bart Egnal of The Humphrey Group, being published by Wiley New York.
Self-Publishing Book Editing Projects
We have just signed on with a new client in the Writers Support Package program. Over the next 10 months she will be writing her book that is based on her personal struggle and recovery from mental illness and outlines the steps she took to achieve balance and purpose in her life.
Over the past several months we have been working with Whit Press on the clearance of literary permissions for its forthcoming publication In Praise of Trees and Forests, a literary anthology promoting forest protection and stewardship. Plus, we completed the clearance of lyrics from five songs for our client Tom Wayman to be included in his forthcoming novel The Shadows We Mistake for Love being published with Douglas & McIntyre this fall.
eBook Conversion/Creation
Freshly trained and ready to go! We would be pleased to provide you with a quote for your eBook projects.
eNewsletter & Social Media
Be sure to pick up a copy of our latest eNewsletter. If you haven’t subscribed and would like to, subscribe by going to our homepage’s sidebar and clicking on the Subscribe button.
And the Winner Is…
In late July, TEC launched its first Twitter book raffle contest featuring Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman. The lucky winner is NC @ennsee!
Watch our Twitter feed for news on our next raffle in the fall.
You can follow us on Twitter and "like" us on Facebook. For more on the business front, follow us@BethAMcAuley.
From all of us here at TEC, thanks for your ongoing support and have a wonderful few months.
Beth McAuley, Owner/Senior Editor
Barbara Kamienski, Academic/Non-Fiction Editor & Indexer
Lesley-Anne Longo, Social Media Editor/Non-Fiction Editor
Melissa MacAulay, Academic Editor
Chris Cameron, Academic/Non-Fiction Editor