by Beth McAuley
Published at 2015-12-13
Though winter is not officially upon us until December 22, colder temperatures and frost-laden lawns have already been making appearances in Toronto. This fall has been a busy one here at TEC, and we are looking forward to celebrating our hard work with a Pizza and Prosecco Party during the holiday season. (One bottle of Prosecco is well chilled from the National Boss Day gifting.)
Alanna took advantage of the bustling fall literary season and attended some local events. She saw Wab Kinew at the Bluma Appel Salon (Toronto Public Library), where he discussed his new memoir The Reason You Walk, as well as the power and politics of language. Alanna also attended a double reading at the International Festival of Authors, which featured local poets Damian Rogers and Karen Solie. Both poets read from their recent books and discussed the role that context plays in their works.
Other blogs that may entertain: Melissa’s blog on stealing books and Barbara’s blog on funky dictionary usage. As well, Chris interviewed former academic editor Ruth Hood who now volunteers for the Trinity College Annual Book Sale, and we featured a guest blog by author Jacqueline Markowitz who opens up to the author–editor relationship.
The end of fall brought us a number of exciting projects, and we are looking forward to more of the same this winter.
Academic Book & Journal Projects: Edited & Published
Through the Lens of Anthropology: An Introduction to Human Evolution and Culture
by Bob Muckle and Laura de Tubelle de González (U of Toronto Press, Higher
Education 2015).
The Correspondence of Wolfgang Capito: Volume 3 (1532–1536). Translated by Erika Rummel. Annotated by Milton Kooistra (U of Toronto Press, Scholarly Division, 2015).
Canadian Journal of Education 38:4 is slated for publication at the end of December.
Pursuit Magazine (Fall 2015). Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education at the University of Toronto.
University of Toronto Medicine Magazine (Winter 2015).
Business Books Edited and Published
Leading through Language: Choosing Words that Influence and Inspire by Bart Egnal (Wiley, New York, December 2015).
New Academic Copy Editing Projects
Academic Book Manuscripts
For the University of Toronto Press, we are completing several projects: a second edition of a comprehensive history of women in sports in Canada; studying global inequality from an anthropological perspective; an in-depth look at the changing nature of border crossing between Niagara, Canada, and the U.S.; and a discussion of freedom and Indigenous constitutionalism.
For the University of Manitoba Press, we are beginning the copy editing of a comprehensive anthology focusing on interdisciplinary food studies.
Substantive Editing
We will be working with an author on a dissertation-to-book project on water governance over the next six months.
Non-Fiction Editing
One of our recent clients is a Toronto-based journalist who writes regular blogs in the field of human rights and social justice. We have the pleasure of editing his work before it goes to publication.
Business Copy Editing & Proofreading
Recent business projects have included proofreading for Deloitte, Celestica, and Greybrook Realty Partners. We continue to proofread SCMA training materials for the organization’s certification program and providing as-needed-revisions for The Trust Child Care Centre’s Parent Handbook.
Self-Publishing Book Editing Projects
We have a new project with a client who is writing and publishing a guide for accomplishing your goals in your professional and personal life.
We had been hired by authors who are publishing an essay in a forthcoming cultural studies anthology and wanted to use illustrations from The Deadwardians published by DC Comics. We prepared the permission request and found an email for permissions at DC Comics that we used to send the request. We also located a phone number in New York City for this department, but the phone message told us the number was out of service. We tried the number repeatedly a few times a day for several days. Now, three months later, we still have not heard any response from the DC Comics permission department. While we are leaving the request “open,” the authors have decided not to use the illustrations since we could not clear the request in time. If we do hear from DC Comics in the future, we will let the authors know, just to see how long it took for the response. All of this to say: If you are a scholar wanting to use graphic material from graphic novels, please give yourself a good year for clearing permission requests.
We’ve completed permissions for the Whit Press publication in Praise of Trees and Forests, a literary anthology promoting forest protection and stewardship. The book is slated for publication in the spring of 2016. We will be proofreading the collection in the coming months.
eNewsletter & Social Media
Be sure to pick up a copy of our holiday eNewsletter. If you haven’t subscribed and would like to, subscribe by going to our homepage’s sidebar and clicking on the Subscribe button.
You can follow us on Twitter and "like" us on Facebook. For more on the business front, follow us @BethAMcAuley.
From all of us here at TEC, have a Wonderful Holiday Season and a Very Happy New Year!
Beth McAuley, Owner/Senior Editor
Alanna Brousseau, Assistant to the Senior Editor
Melissa MacAulay, Academic Editor
Lesley-Anne Longo, Social Media Editor/Non-Fiction Editor
Barbara Kamienski, Academic/Non-Fiction Editor & Indexer
Chris Cameron, Academic/Non-Fiction Editor