by Beth McAuley
Published at 2015-06-12
There are no words I can use to apologize for the hiatus in the bi-monthly updates from TEC. Since January/February a few things have happened!
New Editor: In April, Chris Cameron joined our editing team as academic and non-fiction editor. We welcome him and look forward to having him on board.
New Editing Services: TEC is pleased to announce a new service for writers of English as a Second Language. If you are a graduate student or a business professional wanting to strengthen your writing skills, we can help you do just that. Read more about our ESL Editing Plus service here.
New Editing Resources: We have just released our third eResource entitled Budgeting for Editing: A Quick Calculator. This guide is intended to help authors calculate editing costs for their writing projects. Click here to download your free copy.
Revitalizing Two More Editing Services: We are back in the saddle with eBook creation/file conversion and permissions clearances. Lesley-Anne trained with an experienced eBook designer during the early spring who taught her the skills and techniques involved in eBook creation. Below we discuss two permission projects that came to us in the past few months, reintroducing us to the world of copyright clearances.
Editing Conference
The Editors’ Association of Canada is hosting its Going Global Conference at the Toronto Convention Centre from June 12 to 15. We couldn’t not go!! TEC editors will be attending one or two days of workshops and seminars. We’ll be reporting back through a series of blogs to let you know what we learned and who we met at this international gathering of editing minds.
Academic Client Wins Prize
We extend our congratulations to our client May Friedman for being awarded the Outstanding Scholarship Prize for her book Mommyblogs (University of Toronto Press, 2013)! May received the award at the Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes Conference held in Ottawa in late May.
Academic Book & Journal Projects: Edited & Published
Rock’n America: A Social and Cultural History, by Deena Weinstein (UTP, 2015).
Outsiders Still: Why Women Journalists Love–and Leave–Their Newspaper Careers, by Vivian Smith (UTP, 2015).
Allied Power: Mobilizing Hydro-electricity during the Second World War, by Matthew Evenden (UTP, 2015).
Textual Masculinity and the Exchange of Women in Renaissance Venice, by Courtney Quaintance (UTP, 2015).
The Modern Girl: Feminine Modernities, the Body, and Commodities in the 1920s, by Jane Nicholas (UTP, 2014).
New Academic Copy Editing Projects
Academic Journal Editing
Canadian Journal of Education 38:2 is now in editing and layout and is slated for publication at the end of June.
We’ve edited a selection of scholarly journal articles for our academic clients, whose topics include the demand for postal routes in the early settlements of Ontario; the importance of props and models in teaching midwifery; and a discussion of the relationship between liability insurance and corporate taxation. We also had the chance to proofread two case studies prepared by a forensic pathologist.
Academic Book Manuscripts
Through March and into May, our editors were very much involved with a 500-page scholarly manuscript that reconstructs the cultural and socio-political background that may have motivated Dante’s writing of Convivio.
We are currently editing a study of the sources that renowned Jewish educator Abraham Joshua Heschel drew upon to develop his philosophy, and a study of the ethical foundations of Bernard Lonergan’s approach to ethics.
And we just completed a copyedit of Through the Lens of Anthropology: An Introduction to Human Evolution and Culture by Bob Muckle and Laura Tubelle de González slated for publication this fall by UTP Higher Education.
Substantive Editing
This spring we completed two substantive editing projects that we had gotten underway last fall: an anthology edited by Lisa Taylor and Cara-Marie O-Hagan brings together writings by legal scholars, journalists, media scholars and activists who take a close look at how thirty years of the Charter has affected press freedom in Canada; and a fascinating history of sideshows that became an integrated part of the carnival business in Canada from the early 1900s up until the early 1970s by Jane Nicholas of Lakehead University. Both manuscripts are under review with academic publishers.
Non-Fiction Editing
The summer issue of Think: The Lola Stein Institute Journal is in copyediting over the month of June, with production and proofing in July. We are also taking on the proofing of an administrative document for the Saskatchewan Association of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers.
Business Copy Editing & Proofreading
Our business editing has brought us some great projects this spring. We were pleased to have had the chance to work with the Canada Goose Company on the editing and formatting of a company manual. Currently, we are working on a book project with The Humphrey Group here in Toronto, and our client SCMA has hired us once again to proofread the revised training materials for the organization’s certification program.
Self-Publishing Book Editing Projects
We are pleased to announce that, after two years of editing and revising, our client has completed his memoir that details his escape to London from Germany during the Second World War and recounts his professional career that took him around the world. His manuscript is now out with readers and our client has been invited to speak at a small conference in Germany.
We have just signed on with a new client in the Writers Support Package program. Over the next 10 months she will be writing her book that is based on her personal struggle and recovery from mental illness and outlines the steps she took to achieve balance and purpose in her life.
Over the past several months we have been working with Whit Press on the clearance of literary permissions for its forthcoming publication In Praise of Trees and Forests, a literary anthology promoting forest protection and stewardship. Plus, our client Tom Wayman has hired us to clear a number of music lyrics for his forthcoming novel The Shadows We Mistake for Love being published with Douglas & McIntyre.
eBook Conversion/Creation
Freshly trained and ready to go! We would be pleased to provide you with a quote for your eBook projects.
eNewsletter & Social Media
For our latest eNewsletter, click here. If you haven’t subscribed and would like to, subscribe by going to our homepage’s sidebar and clicking on the Subscribe button.
You can follow us on Twitter and "like" us on Facebook. For more on the business front, follow us @BethAMcAuley.
Have a great June & July. We promise to be in touch again in August!
Barbara Kamienski, Academic/Non-Fiction Editor & Indexer
Lesley-Anne Longo, Social Media Editor/Non-Fiction Editor
Melissa MacAulay, Academic Editor
Chris Cameron, Academic Editor
Beth McAuley, Owner/Senior Editor of The Editing Company