by Beth McAuley
Published at 2014-12-09
Why the square brackets around November? Because we were so busy that the end of November was upon us before we knew it. Of course, this is a wonderful thing. The only small drawback is that I fell behind in my writing schedule. Enough excuses, right? So what’s new since September/October?
We’ve completed several copy editing and proofreading projects and started up a number of new manuscripts for academic publishers as well as independent scholars. We also completed an indexing project, and successfully laid out an new issue of the Canadian Journal of Education.
Our client Linda Rosenbaum celebrated the publication of her memoir, Not Exactly As Planned, at the Ben McNally Bookstore. Our client Ann Eyerman was a guest reader at a Writes of Passage event hosted by Windup Bird Café, where she read new works on “love and place.” Ann is the author of Mediterranean Journey: A Young Woman's Travels Through 1970s Europe. You can find out more about Linda’s and Ann’s books on our homepage.
We also launched a new eBook, Tips from the Editors: Grammar & Usage Guide, which you can download by clicking here. We are producing a second eBook that will walk authors through the editing process. It is scheduled for publication on December 15. Plus, we are in revamping our eNewsletter and preparing the December issue, which will be sent out on December 10.
On the team front, we bade farewell to Mary Ann in November. Mary Ann has completed her contract here at TEC, and we took her out for a few drinks at The Hair of the Dog to thank her for her contributions to TEC and to wish her well in her future endeavours.
From everyone here at The Editing Company, have a Happy Holiday Season and all the best for a prosperous New Year!
A Historical Essay on the Neapolitan Revolution of 1799, by Vincenzo Cuoco. Edited and introduced by Bruce Haddock and Filippo Sabetti; translated by David Gibbons (UTP, 2014)
Not Exactly As Planned: A Memoir of Adoption, Secrets and Abiding Love, by Linda Rosenbaum (Demeter Press, 2014)
In Light of Africa: Globalizing Blackness in Northeast Brazil, by Allan Charles Dawson (UTP, 2014)
University of Toronto Medicine Magazine (Fall 2014)
The End of the Charter Revolution: Looking Back from the New Normal, by Peter J. McCormick (UTP Higher Education, 2014)
Canadian Journal of Education, Vol. 37, No. 3 (October 2014)
The Modern Girl: Feminine Modernities, the Body, and Commodities in the 1920s, by Jane Nicholas (UTP, 2014)
*Academic Journal Editing
Canadian Journal of Education 37:4 is being completed and will launch late December; Volume 38:1 is now in editing and is slated for publication in March 2015.
The winter issue of think: The Lola Stein Institute Journal is in its final editing stages and will be proofread over the coming weeks.
Recent journal articles we have been working on include a recent Toronto mayor and the shaping of Canadian cultural discourse on late-night comedy shows; tax aggressiveness and liability insurance among Canadian companies; and a newsletter and other publications for the computer and mathematical sciences department at UTSC.
*Academic Book Manuscripts
We have completed the copy editing of More Than Just Games: Canada and the 1936 Olympics (UTP, 2015); Grey Owl: The Writer and the Myths (U of Manitoba, 2015); We Were Called Greenies: Holocaust Survivors in Postwar Canada (U of Manitoba, 2015); Aboriginal Inclusion in Canada’s Labour Market (U of Manitoba, 2015); Outsiders Still: Why Women Journalists Love – and Leave – Their Newspaper Careers (UTP, 2015).
New projects on our desk include a manuscript on the harnessing of hydro-electricity power in Canada during the Second World War; and a manuscript that looks into the shaping of the criminal mind.
Substantive Editing
We are continuing work on the anthology commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and how it has shaped (or not) press freedoms; and we are working with an author to shape a final draft of her manuscript on the topic of Canadian entertainment.
Explore St. Mark’s Coptic Museum: An Illustrated Introduction by Helene Moussa, Volunteer Museum Curator, has been edited and is now in production. It is slated for publication in March 2015. Visit the Museum’s website.
We continue to proof small projects for financial and marketing clients, as well as editing business communications and various reports for professional executives.
City Life Magazine and Dolce Magazine (formerly Dolce Vita) winter issues have been proofread and will be hitting the stands in the coming weeks. Plus, we managed a rush proofreading of the fall issue of University of Toronto Medicine Magazine.
We are pleased to report that we are in the final stages of preparing our client’s memoir that details his escape to London from Germany during the Second World War where he launched a professional career that took him around the world.
You can click here to read our December eNewsletter. If you’d like to have our next eNewsletter sent to your inbox each month, you can subscribe by sending an email to editor@theeditingco.com.
We continue to build our cultural social media networks on Twitter. You can visit and "like" us on Facebook to see news of what we're up to, as well as interesting content we like to share. And for more on the business front, follow Beth on Twitter @BethAMcAuley.
Barbara Kamienski, Academic/Non-Fiction Editor & Indexer
Lesley-Anne Longo, Social Media Editor/Non-Fiction Editor
Melissa MacAulay, Academic Editor
Beth McAuley, Owner/Senior Editor of The Editing Company