by Beth McAuley
Published at 2015-10-13
Fall has definitely arrived on this post-Thanksgiving Monday … wind, rain, and turning leaves … at least here in Toronto. And lots has happened since our last update. This August/September marked the start of Year 8 for The Editing Company. Congratulations to our dynamic editing team for reaching this milestone! We celebrated our anniversary over a delicious dinner at Pizzeria Via Mercanti in early September.
TEC is pleased to welcome Alanna Brousseau to our team! Alanna brings administrative experience and a passion for editing that will assist our Senior Editor in managing the many details of a growing company.
Once again, we signed up to “friend an author” at this year’s Word On The Street, held on Sunday, September 27. Our author was Alanna Mitchell, who recently published Malignant Metaphor (ECW Press). A few of us attended her reading, including Chris, who reviewed the event and a bit about the book in his latest blog.
Over the next few months, we are attending a few literary events hosted by the Metro Reference Library at the Bluma Appel Salon. Alanna attended the reading by Wab Kinew in late September, reporting on his new memoir and his discussion about the politics of language in her recent blog.
A third key fall event is the upcoming International Festival of Authors, being held at Harbourfront Centre from October 22 to November 1, 2015. Alanna will be attending the who’s who of Canadian poetry when she sits in on “In Conversation with Damian Rogers and Karen Solie” on October 31. Keep an eye out for her blog in November!
New Editing Resources
We have just released our fifth e-book entitled Preparing Your Text for E-book Conversion. This helpful guide provides tips on how to correct common formatting errors when preparing your document for e-book conversion.
The end of summer brought us a number of exciting projects, and we are looking forward to more of the same this fall.
Academic Book & Journal Projects: Edited & Published
The Pope’s Dilemma: Pius XII Faces Atrocities and Genocide in the Second World War by Jacques Kornberg (U of Toronto Press 2015).
Decolonizing Employment: Aboriginal Inclusion in Canada’s Labour Market by Shauna MacKinnon (U of Manitoba Press 2015).
Apostate Englishman: Grey Owl the Writer and the Myths by Albert Braz (U of Manitoba Press 2015).
A Short History of the State in Canada by E.A. Heaman (U of Toronto Press 2015).
Canadian Journal of Education, Volume 38, Issue 3 (Fall 2015).
Think: The Lola Stein Institute Journal, Fall/Winter 2014–2015 and Fall 2015 issues.
Business Books Edited and Published
Leading through Language: Choosing Words that Influence and Inspire by Bart Egnal (Wiley, New York, December 2015).
New Academic Copy Editing Projects
Academic Journal Editing
Canadian Journal of Education 38:4 is now in editing and layout and is slated for publication at the end of December.
We have recently been hired to proofread articles for a forthcoming issue of the Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights, published by Carleton University’s Landon Pearson Resource Centre for the Study of Childhood and Children’s Rights. Its inaugural issue was launched in April 2014.
Several scholarly articles have crossed our desks as well, on such topics as the role of ethnic entrepreneurship in the GTA; effective mathematics coaching in secondary education; the role of public-private partnerships in the building of infrastructure projects; and the status of gay rights in Russia.
Academic Book Manuscripts
We are just beginning the proofreading of a 560-page manuscript on human rights for UTP Higher Education Division. We also completed the copy editing of a manuscript focusing on several key legal cases dealing with environmental law.
Our University of Toronto Press projects include a history of rural life and society in Canada, the writings of Joshua Heschel, the ethics of Bernard Lonergan, and Dante’s Banquet. We assisted with the review of first and final pages for the third volume of The Correspondence of Wolfgang Capito, 1532–1536, which is slated for publication in December/January.
Substantive Editing
We may have a dissertation-to-book project coming to us in the next few months. More to follow!
Non-Fiction Editing
We copy edited the final draft of our client Helene Moussa’s chapter that will be featured in the forthcoming Daughters of the Nile: Egyptian Women Changing Their World (Cambridge Scholars Publishing). Recently, Dr. Moussa celebrated the launch of Explore St. Mark’s Coptic Museum: An Illustrated Introduction, an informative guide to the Museum’s collection.
Business Copy Editing & Proofreading
We proofread the annual reports for several Canadian businesses, including Re:Sound, Maple Reinders, and Signal Hill. We have proofread several blog posts for Celestica, and recently proofread its 2014 Sustainability Report.
As well, we continue to proofread SCMA training materials for the organization’s certification program, and we are providing as-needed-revisions for The Trust Child Care Centre’s Parent Handbook.
And, following our work on Bart Egnal’s book manuscript (mentioned above), we were hired to copy edit a training manual for The Humphrey Group’s Vancouver office.
Self-Publishing Book Editing Projects
We just completed a challenging edit of a self-publishing motivational memoir, tweaking and fine-tuning the manuscript before it was sent to Create Space for publication.
Over the past several months we have been working with Whit Press on the clearance of literary permissions for its forthcoming publication In Praise of Trees and Forests, a literary anthology promoting forest protection and stewardship. The book is slated for publication in the spring of 2016.
E-book Conversion/Creation
Freshly trained and ready to go! We would be pleased to provide you with a quote for your e-book projects.
eNewsletter & Social Media
Be sure to pick up a copy of our latest eNewsletter. If you haven’t subscribed and would like to, subscribe by going to our homepage’s sidebar and clicking on the Subscribe button.
You can follow us on Twitter and "like" us on Facebook. For more on the business front, follow us @BethAMcAuley.
From all of us here at TEC, thanks for your ongoing support and enjoy the autumn while it lasts!
Beth McAuley, Owner/Senior Editor
Alanna Brousseau, Assistant to the Senior Editor
Barbara Kamienski, Academic/Non-Fiction Editor & Indexer
Lesley-Anne Longo, Social Media Editor/Non-Fiction Editor
Melissa MacAulay, Academic Editor
Chris Cameron, Academic/Non-Fiction Editor