by Beth McAuley
Published at 2014-09-17
Such a great summer of conferences, mild weather, FIFA games, reading vacations, meditation retreats, bachelorette parties, 5K runs, TIFF … and now we are shifting into our fall season that begins on September 21 with Toronto’s exceptional book fair, The Word On The Street.
At WOTS this year, TEC has “friended” Shawn Micallef, author of The Trouble with Brunch: Work, Class and the Pursuit of Leisure, published by Coach House Books. Our team editor Mary Ann Mazey will be attending the reading and picking up a copy of the book. She’ll be writing up her adventures at WOTS in an upcoming blog.
Another big piece of news: The Editing Company is beginning its 7th year! Congratulations to our editors past and present (and future) for your incredible talent and dedication, and to our wonderful clients whose support has contributed to our growth and success. As we begin Year Seven, here’s a look at some of our completed, ongoing, and newer projects.
Canadian Journal of Education, Vol. 37, No. 2 (August 2014).
The Court of Appeal for Ontario: Defining the Right of Appeal in Canada, 1792–2013, by Christopher Moore (University of Toronto Press, October 2014)
Unwanted: Muslim Immigrants, Dignity, and Drug Dealing, by Sandra M. Bucerius (Oxford University Press, New York, 2014).
Asleep at the Switch: The Political Economy of Federal Research and Development Policy since 1960, by Bruce Smardon (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014).
Ruin and Redemption: The Struggle for a Canadian Bankruptcy Law, 1867–1919, by Thomas G.W. Telfer (University of Toronto Press, October 2014).
*Academic Journal Editing
Canadian Journal of Education 37:3 is slated for publication in late October; and CJE 37:4 will be online in December.
Some recent journal articles we have been working on include a business analysis of how new firms enter marketplaces, and the process of publishing R&D innovations. We have also edited a number of grant proposals and a book chapter drawn from a dissertation.
*Academic Book Manuscripts
Some of the exciting projects we’ve completed include a history of rock ’n’ roll in America, an analysis of the Canadian Charter Revolution, the first volume of letters documenting the life and times of nineteenth-century Mennonite life in Russia, the role of senior women editors in the Canadian newspaper industry.
Some of the newer projects we have underway include a history of the 1936 Olympics; an anthology commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and how it has affected the freedom of the press in Canada; and a cultural study of Grey Owl.
We are just getting underway the copy editing of articles for the fall issue of think: The Lola Stein Institute Journal.
We are editing and proofreading Explore St. Mark's Coptic Museum: An Illustrated Introduction, being compiled and written by Helene Moussa, Volunteer Curator.
We have completed the writing and development of the first section of an online instruction manual for Supply Chain Management Canada. We have also been proofing materials for a new business client in the digital signage industry, as well as for Dee-Cipher B2B Marketing, and we proofed a semi-annual report for our financial equity client.
DOLCE VITA fall issue is just about to hit the stands, and we’re proofing the fall issue of City Life in the coming weeks.
Congratulations to our client Ann Eyerman whose self-published memoir Mediterranean Journey: A Young Woman's Travels through 1970s Europe is now available on Amazon.
As well, we are completing the editing of a client’s memoir that details his escape to London from Germany during the Second World War where he launched a professional career that took him around the world.
Among our new self-publishing clients is Bryan Arndt. We recently copy edited his book Love The Life You're Living: A Beginner's Guide to Personal Transformation, being published by Balboa Press this fall, and we are now completing the copy edit of Have a Beautiful Day, scheduled for publication early next year. For more about Bryan’s work, visit his website.
You can click here to read our August newsletter. If you’d like to have the eNewsletter sent to your inbox each month, you can subscribe by going to our main page and filling out the subscription box in the sidebar.
We continue to build our cultural social media networks at Twitter: We have reached 123 followers! You can visit us on Facebook. And for more on the business front, follow Beth on Twitter @BethAMcAuley.
Barbara Kamienski, Academic/Non-Fiction Editor & Indexer
Lesley-Anne Longo, Social Media Editor/Non-Fiction Editor
Melissa MacAulay, Academic Editor
Mary Ann Mazey, Business Editor/eNewsletter Editor
Beth McAuley, Owner/Senior Editor of The Editing Company