Montreal\'s Square Mile: The Making and Transformation of a Colonial Metropole

Client: University of Toronto Press (2023)

Project: Montreal's Square Mile: The Making and Transformation of a Colonial Metropole, edited by Dimitry Anastakis, Elizabeth Kirkland, and Don Nerbas

In nineteenth-century Canada, the Square Mile was an elite residential district in Montreal that represented a dramatic new concentration of wealth. Montreal's Square Mile chronicles the history of the Square Mile, including the diverse and far-reaching sources of its making and its twentieth-century transformations.

Bringing together the work of leading scholars from a wide range of historical investigation fields, this collection tells the story of the Square Mile from its origins to its decline. Spanning the interconnected worlds of family and home life, business and high politics, architecture and urban redevelopment, this interdisciplinary and richly illustrated volume presents a new account of the history of the Square Mile and an investigation of its impact beyond the immediate urban environment.

Service: TEC copy edited this anthology for U of Toronto Press style in usage, punctuation, and spelling; corrected grammar errors; edited the notes and applied a consistent style across all thirteen chapters; and managed and edited the captions and alt-text for the nearly 150 images that can be found within this collection. Following the authors’ reviews of their respective chapters, TEC finalized all changes in the edited manuscript in preparation for production.