Client: Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education, University of Toronto
Project: Pursuit Magazine (Summer 2021)
Pursuit Magazine explores the multiple aspects of physical sport and recreation from current research and innovation to student achievement in varsity competitions to the positive influence of exercise on our daily lives.
The Summer 2021 issue takes a look at how COVID-19 has affected the students, athletes, faculty, and staff of the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education, and highlights how the wider University of Toronto community has come together to adapt and continue moving forward under these unprecedented circumstances. It is inspiring to see how much the students and faculty have accomplished and continue to accomplish during the pandemic.
See the Summer 2021 issue here.
Service: TEC editors used Pursuit’s style sheet to proofread the final PDF of the summer issue. We proofed for consistency in usage and style: expression of numbers (weights, distances), capitalization of attributes before names, consistency in use of punctuation, correct reference to departments and athletic specialties, checking spelling of sports-related medical terms. Proofing table of contents, back and front covers, captions and photo credits; checking pagination.