Client: University of Toronto Press (2017)
Project: The Right Relationship: Reimagining the Implementation of Historical Treaties, edited by John Borrows and Michael Coyle
Specialty: Indexing an anthology is always a demanding project. This 440-page volume brought together a group of renowned scholars, both indigenous and non-indigenous, to cast light on the magnitude of the challenges Canadians face in seeking a consensus on the nature of treaty partnership in the twenty-first century. The diverse perspectives offered in this volume examine how Indigenous people’s own legal and policy frameworks can be used to develop healthier attitudes between First Peoples and settler governments in Canada. The index had to capture key concepts in each of the 14 chapters, which required careful cross-referencing for accuracy; accuracy also applied to spelling of treaties and legal terms, partnerships and agreements, names of acts and legislation, and Indigenous terminology. The index was styled according to the Press’s preferences; it was 14 pages as a final Word document in single column. The final index was reviewed by the volume editors who made a few small changes/corrections, and then we sent the final document to UTP for production as a double-column index for the back of the book.