As an author, you probably think about the relationship you want to have with your readers. After all, you are writing to appeal to your audience, and...
There are plenty of different approaches to writing. Some writers like to let the words pour out on the page and clean and shape them later; some outl...
It’s the holiday season, and nothing gets party guests feeling as festive as a delicious cocktail! In this quick blog, we’ll share some great recipes ...
The holidays are fast approaching, and recently we started talking about what would be on our “pie in the sky, dreaming big” editorial wish list — wha...
As the world grows dark and cold in the Northern Hemisphere, cultures across the globe gather to drive away the gloom. There are dozens of holidays ce...
Days get shorter, nights get longer, and festive winter holiday markets start popping up everywhere. Some holiday markets are understated, and others ...
November has rolled around again, which can only mean one thing (for students, anyway): midterms and papers are coming up and will be due before the w...
Punctuation marks are the signposts of prose. They indicate what’s important and where to pause. They add rhythm to your sentences. They help your rea...
Chances are, you have had a lot of experience or contact with business writing: compiling expense or business reports, writing up contracts, and craft...
We have had a few calls recently from clients looking for help with business writing projects, so we thought we would re-post this timeless blog to he...
Being a small business owner demands a great deal of dedication and energy. Growing a business has never been easy, and as successful online marketing...
When a writer shows her/his work to someone and asks them to read it, there is the inevitable dread that she/he might hear those infamous words, “This...
This week, we took a look at some of our popular archived posts and decided to share this one with you one more time! We hope it helps you achieve you...
Recently, Beth saw that the University of Toronto Press would be launching a very interesting book in September: Toronto Trailblazers: Women in Canadi...
As anyone who edits (or writes) non-fiction knows, few things are as frustratingly difficult to keep straight as acronyms and initialisms. Two weeks a...
New Canadian authors working without the benefit of representation are probably familiar with House of Anansi and Douglas & McIntyre as being Cana...
It has been considered a usual style to shorten words in order to save time or space for some time now. Some of us will remember acronyms and initiali...
For academics across disciplines, writing and publishing journal articles is an unavoidable part of professional life. Anyone who’s been or been close...
Over the years, TEC has grown, acquiring new editors and a new office. One of TEC’s greatest strengths is that its editors work together in the same r...
Though I can agree with the adage that anyone can write, we seldom take the time to unpack how people come to the writing process. In my world of acad...
As I discuss in my earlier blog, “7 Steps to Writing Good Online Content,” ensuring that your online content meets SEO guidelines will help ensure tha...
Although you’re unlikely to find many writers or editors willing to give up the hard copies of their dictionaries or style and usage guides, working a...
Our blog series on confusables (a.k.a., easily mixed up words) has remained popular throughout the years, so we thought we’d revive it and take a look...
When I first considered this blog post, I had a brilliant idea. I’d compare it to Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up! I’d call it “Th...
So you’ve finished your book — congratulations! If you want to pursue the route of traditional publishing, it’s time to start thinking of how to put t...