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Book Design for Beginners: A Brief Overview

Aug 23, 2012 - Nina Hoeschele

This summer, I rounded out my Ryerson Publishing credentials with my final course in the certificate program: Book Design. A daunting challenge for so...


Building Meaningful Author–Editor Relationships

Aug 13, 2012 - Beth McAuley

One of the first booklets I read as an editor starting out was Author & Editor: A Working Guide, written by Rick Archbold, Doug Gibson, Dennis Lee...


What's Up @ TEC! August 2012

Aug 01, 2012 - Beth McAuley

It's August 1st and the summer is moving along at a steamy pace here in Toronto. Torontonians have experienced some hot weather and amazing thundersto...


Proofreader's Syndrome

Jul 06, 2012 - Jessica Mifsud

Even in the few short weeks I’ve been here at The Editing Company, I’ve gotten to wear a lot of different hats on the job. One of my favou...


The Library of Congress Is Archiving Your Tweets

Jun 22, 2012 - Max Baru

On April 14, 2010, Twitter Incorporated entered into a new partnership with the U.S. Library of Congress, one that would allow the LoC access to the e...


What's Up at TEC! June 2012

Jun 13, 2012 - Nina Hoeschele

Staff Changes It’s always hard to see someone go, but it's equally exciting to welcome new faces to our team. At the end of May we bade a fon...


The Hardest Thing Is Saying Goodbye

May 31, 2012 - Nadine Bachan

Today is my last day at The Editing Company.   I feel sad as I write this because this marks the end of an era for me. However, I am also fille...


Where Do Indexes Come From?

Apr 27, 2012 - Nina Hoeschele

This is not something I ever wondered before working in publishing. In the past, I saw indexes as a minor annoyance, things that ordered me through a ...


Seven Things An Editor Needs

Apr 17, 2012 - Beth McAuley

Editing isn’t for everyone. It can be quite strenuous and demanding, as well as rewarding and satisfying. Those of us who are editors know that ...


What's Up at TEC! April 2012

Apr 11, 2012 - Nina Hoeschele

Spring is finally coming to Toronto, and budding along with the leaves are a number of exciting new projects for TEC’s editors. We might add tha...


A Review of Girls Fall Down by Maggie Helwig

Mar 26, 2012 - Nadine Bachan

In support of the Toronto Public Library’s city-wide reading event, One Book Toronto, we at TEC obtained copies of Maggie Helwig’s Girls F...


Lessons in the Basics of E-publishing

Mar 14, 2012 - Nina Hoeschele

This past weekend, Beth and I attended a workshop put on by the Editors' Association of Canada entitled “E-publishing Essentials for Editors.&rd...


Self-Published Authors Need Editors Too

Mar 05, 2012 - Laura Cok

With the rise of self-publishing, more and more authors are able to bypass traditional avenues and get their books directly to their readers. Instead ...


Social Media Marketing

Feb 15, 2012 - Max Baru

Social Media Marketing is one of those projects for which there is no ultimate end point, no finished product. Similarly to other kinds of marketing i...


What's Up at TEC! February 2012

Feb 01, 2012 - Nina Hoeschele

  We’re already a whole month into 2012 and so far it’s shaping up to be an interesting year. January brought a wide variety of proj...


On Editing Footnotes

Jan 27, 2012 - Beth McAuley

I fell in love with the footnote when I was an undergraduate in Montreal. I was learning to write academic essays: first in English literature and the...


The Smell of a New Book: Lost to Progress?

Jan 16, 2012 - Nina Hoeschele

Print is dead. We've been warned about this for years. I can trace back my anxiety over the impending death of paper books to at least 2007, when I dr...


Review of Richard B. Wright’s Adultery

Jan 06, 2012 - Laura Cok

In one of my first classes in Ryerson University’s publishing certificate program, my teacher alluded to some of the goings-on at the Frankfurt ...


From the Desk of the Permissions Editor: Trial and Error

Dec 27, 2011 - Nadine Bachan

When the year is coming to an end, it is often the time to wrap things up. That being said, this will be the last blog in the Permissions Editor ...


Not All Styles Are the Same

Dec 16, 2011 - Beth McAuley

At The Editing Company, each time we begin a new editing project, we make sure we have a style sheet to guide our work. What is important to know, and...


Joining the Team & Building Community

Dec 02, 2011 - Max Baru

Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of discovering The Editing Company—a short walk from the College subway station—and eventually of jo...


Struggles in Translation: The Tables Are Turned in Germany

Nov 23, 2011 - Nina Hoeschele

Earlier this month, I said a temporary farewell to the TEC office and headed across the ocean. One of the stops on my two-week European journey was so...


From The Desk of the Permissions Editor: The Ambiguity of Wikipedia and the Finer Details of Fair Dealing

Nov 10, 2011 - Nadine Bachan

In the second installment of this blog series, I’d like to shed a little light on the not-so-clear complexities of Wikipedia copyright and the r...


Getting Started as an Editor

Nov 02, 2011 - Nina Hoeschele

It’s not an easy world for new editors out there. The publishing industry is changing while job markets everywhere are suffering. And yet, if yo...


What's Up at TEC! October 2011

Oct 05, 2011 - Beth McAuley

Here at TEC we are celebrating our 4th Anniversary. The year introduced us to many wonderful new clients and opportunities, and gave us the chance to ...