Perhaps one of the most misunderstood things about the editing and publishing process is just how long it can take. If, for example, you have complete...
The process of editing your work can be trying, difficult, and frustrating...but it can also be rewarding, enlightening, and satisfying. This month, w...
If you’re an author (new or more experienced!) then you probably know the importance of having an author platform. If you’re a self-publishing author,...
f you’re an introverted author, putting yourself out there in order to market your book can be incredibly intimidating. Self-promotion might feel unco...
Some writers may be able to fill their manuscripts with inspired text without any outside help but, thankfully, in this age of apps and user-friendly ...
In this blog, the last instalment in our blog series on artificial intelligence, we will be looking at some of the many resources available out there ...
Recently, artificial intelligence and its arguably endless applications have seemed to dominate the conversations in several aspects of our lives. Man...
This week, in our series on artificial intelligence, I’m looking at AI tools and how these might be affecting our editing practice. While these new to...
There’s no doubt that we’ve all heard of “AI,” or artificial intelligence—it’s been all over the news channels for a while now. But what is it exactly...
After writing about mixed metaphors last month, it was brought to my attention that I had peppered that post with malaphors. And, although malaphors a...
We originally posted this in 2020, and now four years have gone by — quite quickly! And just like that, another leap year is upon us. Read on to find ...
This week, we're revisiting a blog from our archives, asking an important questions for editors everywhere, but especially business editors in particu...
You’ve likely heard it’s best to write in the active voice whenever possible. This is good advice. In this week’s blog, I’ll explain why by answering ...
You may have heard the terms “trope” and “cliché” before, but do you know what they are? Contrary to what many people think, these terms are not synon...
I’ve always been a fan of finding examples of humorous misapplications of grammar or usage guidelines in writing. One source of such grammatical humou...
We’ve all heard it before: “Words are the building blocks of language.” Writers understand this better than anyone, as they are all too aware – someti...
If you’re a regular reader, you may already be familiar with book genres and what your favourites are. Maybe you like thrillers, or horror! Or, perhap...
Writing of any sort—whether it’s fiction or non-fiction—can be tough. Self-doubt can make an already difficult task even harder, and it’s easy to put...
There are no secret tips that make writing easy but there are things one can do to get things off to a good start. So, here are a few pointers on sett...
The holidays are here again and, of course, with this special time of year comes memories of holidays past, spent with friends and family. I’m willing...
Since having children, my beloved bookshelves have undergone some drastic changes. Plato and Nietzsche have had to make room for The Monster at the En...
The run-up to the holidays can be one of the busiest times of the year—you've got gifts to buy, parties to attend, loved ones to visit, decorating and...
No longer relegated to choosing between just a few different reading apps, avid readers now have several options on offer. And, because different peop...
It’s November, and while for many people that might mean the lead-up to the holiday season is beginning, for thousands of people around the world, Nov...