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Ask the Editor: Why Work with an Editor during the Writing Process?

May 27, 2015 - Lesley-Anne Longo

We posted this blog in 2015, but the information below is timeless! If you're looking to write a book, or have started already, reaching out to an edi...


3 Quick Tips for Editing Canadian Numbers

May 13, 2015 - Kaci Schmitt

When I was in elementary school and learning about measurements in the 1990s, my teachers used to tell us, “Don’t get too used to using in...


4 (More) Commonly Misused Words

May 04, 2015 - Melissa MacAulay

Studying philosophy has given me a special appreciation for logical words and the work they do. Some of these words, however, are commonly misused. (I...


An American Editor in the Land of the Canadian Oxford

Mar 25, 2015 - Kaci Schmitt

  As a freelance editor working for clients from all over the world (and currently based here in Portland, Oregon), I have to be aware of the...


Editing & Hyphens: Tips on Hyphenating Your Writing

Mar 18, 2015 - Barbara Kamienski

They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So when I recently came upon a text riddled with hyphens popped in willy-nilly where th...


3 English Morphs That Are Driving Me Crazy

Feb 24, 2015 - Melissa MacAulay

Don't get me wrong—I appreciate that the English language is constantly changing and evolving. And I know that my job as an editor requires...


Book Review: Elisabeth de Mariaffi’s The Devil You Know

Feb 17, 2015 - Lesley-Anne Longo

  While reading through the January/February issue of Quill and Quire, Beth came across a review of a title that sounded so interesting, she bou...


First Things First: Building a Good Author-Editor Relationship

Feb 09, 2015 - Lesley-Anne Longo

Recently, we posted our second eBook publication, The Author's Guide to the Pre-Publishing Editing Process. In this blog and a few to follow, we want ...


What's Up @ TEC! January/February Edition

Jan 20, 2015 - Beth McAuley

Happy New Year to all! We hope you had a safe, meaningful, and enjoyable holiday season, and that getting back to the usual grind hasn’t been to...


Proofreading: Nobody Is Prefcet

Jan 13, 2015 - Barbara Kamienski

You know the feeling, don’t you? You’ve composed an exquisitely worded email, tinkered with the phrasing to get it just right, and read it...


5 Chicago-Style Citations for the Web-Savvy Editor

Jan 05, 2015 - Melissa MacAulay

As 2015 rolls around, our use of social media continues to grow. Now, more than ever before, authors (both academic and non-academic) are citing socia...


Perfection: A Perfect Trap

Dec 16, 2014 - Lesley-Anne Longo

Here at The Editing Company, we occasionally have to answer a familiar question from an inquiring caller: “How can you guarantee perfection?&rdq...


What's Up @ TEC! [November]/December Edition

Dec 09, 2014 - Beth McAuley

Why the square brackets around November? Because we were so busy that the end of November was upon us before we knew it. Of course, this is a wonderfu...


Writing Your Holiday Cards: Do's and Dont's

Dec 08, 2014 - Lesley-Anne Longo

Ahhh, the holidays. I don’t know about you, but I always love opening up the mailbox during the holiday season—there’s almost alwa...


Academic Writing: Sacrificing Information in the Name of "Gobbledygook"?

Dec 02, 2014 - Melissa MacAulay

Earlier this year, University of Toronto Press’ Journal of Scholarly Publishing featured a book review of Michael Billig’s Learn to Write ...


What Is Copy Editing, Really?

Nov 19, 2014 - Lesley-Anne Longo

  Editing. It sounds like a simple process, but what many people don’t realize is there are actually a few types of editing that aim t...


The Apostrophe Rules: A Raging Debate

Nov 04, 2014 - Barbara Kamienski

At a recent social gathering, a woman I had just met cornered me. So, I was an editor? Where, she demanded to know, did I stand on the possible abolit...


10 Signs You Need (…OK, Are Beyond Needing) a New Laptop

Oct 29, 2014 - Mary Ann Mazey

While some of us writers and editors pride ourselves on being early adopters, others may have a slight “not-fix-it-’til-it’s-broke&r...


E-Smart Editors & New Marketing Technologies: Introducing HubSpot

Oct 21, 2014 - Lesley-Anne Longo

Here at The Editing Company, I wear many hats: editor, proofreader, layout designer, and social media editor. The last one links up to an initiative...


5 Best Grammar Blogs for Authors

Oct 08, 2014 - Lesley-Anne Longo

Grammar quiz: When is it appropriate to use “whom”? Answer: You would use "whom" when you refer to the object of a sentence. ...


WOTS the Deal with Brunch?

Sep 30, 2014 - Mary Ann Mazey

Living in downtown Toronto provides no scarcity of opportunities to both observe and participate in performances of middle-classness, or what I&rsqu...


Back to the Future II: A 1990s Technological Overview

Sep 24, 2014 - Melissa MacAulay

Leafing through past issues of The Editorial Eye, I am offered a glimpse of what it might have been like to be an editor in the 1990s. These issues ...


Back to the Future: Tips for Editors from The Editorial Eye (January 1990)

Sep 18, 2014 - Beth McAuley

The Editorial Eye was a professional newsletter for editors and writers published by the Editorial Experts, Inc. in Alexandria, Virginia. I began su...


What's Up @ TEC! September/October Edition

Sep 17, 2014 - Beth McAuley

Such a great summer of conferences, mild weather, FIFA games, reading vacations, meditation retreats, bachelorette parties, 5K runs, TIFF … and...


3 Mini Book Reviews, Or What This Book Editor Did on Her Vacation

Sep 11, 2014 - Lesley-Anne Longo

Ahh, summer: a time to kick back, relax, and enjoy the sunshine (even though here in Toronto, our summer has been…not as hot as we usually pref...