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From The Desk of the Permissions Editor: A New TEC Blog Series

Sep 23, 2011 - Nadine Bachan

In her last blog, “The Texture of Technology,” Beth touched on the subject of e-books. Talk about e-books always prompts me to think about...


The Texture of Technology

Sep 08, 2011 - Beth McAuley

Just before the August 31 deadline for switching from analogue to digital, I phoned Bell and ordered FibeTV. Up until now I have had no cable at all...


Sowing a Cover

Aug 12, 2011 - Paul Eprile

Slipping singly from my fingers, lettuce seeds drop like punctuation marks, organic ellipses marking the start of a new season of cultivation. Onion...


Watching the EdgeWalkers

Aug 05, 2011 - Nadine Bachan

Visitors and our fellow fourth-floor dwellers often comment on how little noise we make in our office. It seems to surprise them that three editors ...


The Art of Synopsis Writing

Jul 28, 2011 - Nina Hoeschele

A few weeks ago an author approached The Editing Company for some help with rewriting the synopsis of her manuscript. I was lucky enough to be put to ...


On Buying Books at Airports

Jul 18, 2011 - Beth McAuley

I just came back from a short vacation to Jacksonville, Florida. Or JAX, for short. I was visiting family and touring the Floridian countryside, see...


TEC’s Take on Literary Journals & Magazines

Jul 06, 2011 - Nadine Bachan

In early June, Michael Redhill announced his departure from Brick. After over 10 years of editorial involvement with the literary magazine, #87—...


What's Up @ TEC!

Jul 01, 2011 - Beth McAuley

Happy Canada Day and Happy Pride Day! It’s July and summer has arrived. We’ve been keeping busy through May and June with new and ongoin...


Alternate Spellings and Heart-Stopping Moments

Jun 24, 2011 - Beth McAuley

Every editor’s nightmare is this: finding a spelling error in the printed publication of the manuscript you just edited after the fact. I...


Embracing Marketability

Jun 17, 2011 - Nina Hoeschele

Nothing has ever shaken my editorial self as much as this comment did. It came from an influential editor from a successful publishing company ...


Navigating the World of Permissions Editing

Jun 10, 2011 - Nadine Bachan

Plagiarism has become rampant in this age of instantly accessible information. There have been countless cases of stolen words, images and art, from...


The "Is, Is" Phenomenon

May 27, 2011 - Paul Eprile

For a while I thought I was hearing things. The sounds came and went so fast, it was impossible to confirm them with the naked ear. But yes, with clos...


The Overlap between Writer and Editor

May 20, 2011 - Nina Hoeschele

Editors and writers: some see them as bitter enemies, some describe a beautiful partnership—and some say that editors are just writers who&rsq...


Getting Re-acquainted with the Toronto Public Library

May 13, 2011 - Nadine Bachan

When I was in elementary school, from book reports to geography projects, the tried-and-true resource for all assignments was the local Toronto Public...


What's Up At TEC

May 05, 2011 - Beth McAuley

We thought we’d give you a quick overview of some of the projects we’ve been working on here at The Editing Company. We’re keeping...


Jumping the Turnstile on the TTC

Apr 15, 2011 - Beth McAuley

Okay, maybe I should’ve stayed out of it. But he caught my attention, and I wanted to see what he’d do.     This morning, a...


Editors Shouldn't Text

Mar 31, 2011 - Nina Hoeschele

It’s official: “LOL” has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary. So has “OMG,” for that matter. In my last blog pos...


An Update on Our Writers Support Package

Mar 24, 2011 - Nadine Bachan

In the spring of 2010, two authors agreed to become our inaugural writers for The Editing Company’s Writers Support Package. Ann Eyerman and B...


The Business of Editing: II

Mar 18, 2011 - Beth McAuley

One of The Editing Company’s missions is being fulfilled: We are building relationships with new businesses and associations.  &...


An Editor on Editing Editors

Feb 11, 2011 - Paul Eprile

As a recent addition to the TEC team, with responsibility for marketing and communications, one of my first tasks has been to update and “twea...


Google Is a Verb Now

Feb 03, 2011 - Nina Hoeschele

When I was a kid, my parents’ bookshelves held an incredible 27-volume set of Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedias. I would frequently rush to Fu...


Sheila Heti’s How Should A Person Be? — A Review

Jan 27, 2011 - Nadine Bachan

Sheila Heti was TEC’s second adopt-an-author at last September’s Word On The Street Festival. I enjoyed reading Sheila’s earlier w...


Miscommunication 101: Is This Where We Were Supposed To Meet?

Jan 20, 2011 - Beth McAuley

Has this happened to you? You set up a coffee date with a friend for a Sunday afternoon, feeling quite certain the name of that particular coffee sh...


Editing Graphic Novels: A New Career Choice?

Jan 13, 2011 - Nina Hoeschele

As an editor, I’ve spent countless hours working with lines and lines of text—it’s hard to think of editing as anything else. But th...


An Appreciation of What Authors Do

Jan 10, 2011 - Beth McAuley

  We have been editing and proofreading a number of manuscripts over the past few weeks that have made us here at TEC come to realize just how...