Ammon Shea's Bad English: A History of Linguistic Aggravation (Penguin, 2014) is a usage guide of sorts, but far from being a prescrip...
Recently at TEC, I celebrated something of a milestone – my 100th invoice to the company! Maybe it doesn’t seem like that much of a big de...
They say you can’t judge a book by its cover. Really? While the saying may be metaphorically true, in a literal sense, as any book publishing ...
Having worked as a freelance writer and editor in Toronto, Grey County, and now the Hamilton area, I've had the opportunity to learn about...
I'm open to reading almost anything – fiction, nonfiction – as long as I know from the first sentence or two that this is a voice I w...
It’s been a while since I’ve written an “Ask the Editor” blog post! This time, I’m going to talk about how to make the e...
As the holiday season moves into full swing, you probably have holiday traditions that you enjoy with your family and friends, or even some traditions...
It can be difficult to choose gifts for editors (or writers!) – choosing a book is often too risky or nerve-wracking, but if not a book, then&he...
A while back, we at TEC were chatting over lunch about Word On The Street, and I mentioned that I had once manned a booth at the event. The reaction w...
In September, The Editing Company began its 10th year of business. We have been celebrating our anniversary by offering 10% discounts, 10 complementar...
Here at TEC, it’s our job to provide our clients with the best guidance and advice in the editing and flow of their documents. Recently, we had ...
Editing is hard work, and sometimes it's nice to take a break from editing a particularly difficult piece of text and have a bit of fun. I've collecte...
Did you know that for TEC's tenth anniversary, we are running a promotion where you can get a free consultation with our Senior Editor, Beth, to discu...
Chances are, you have had a lot of experience or contact with business writing: compiling expense or business reports, writing up cont...
It's pretty simple, right? A singular subject takes a singular verb, and a plural subject takes a plural verb. The dog is barking. The dogs ar...
In celebration of the 17th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (both hard copy and digital editions) we thought it would be appropriate t...
Segues are an important part of writing in any genre, and knowing how to use segues well can be the difference between a successful or not-so-successf...
We're not supposed to judge books by their covers, but like it or not, when shopping around a bookstore with nothing particular in min...
Language and the way we use it is undeniably fluid. One doesn't have to look far to find idioms and words that have changed their wording and subseque...
Strunk and White's The Elements of Style is a classic, a compendium of pithy advice for writers who want to get their ideas across clearly and...
Do you know the appropriate place to break a word like "friendship" or "disenfranchised"? Word breaks aren't something many peopl...
I recently subscribed to the Globe and Mail for the Friday and Saturday editions. Friday's paper includes the Report on Business the last Friday of ea...
Dr. Bartolo's Umbrella and Other Tales from My Surprising Operatic Life By Christopher Cameron Published by Seraphim Editions, 2017 Form...
This week, we wanted to re-post one of our most consistently popular blogs: Barbara's 2015 blog on hyphenation! Even two years later, it's always at t...
The political world gets progressively denser every day, especially the world of US politics. And, though Canadians often pretend at b...