Remember Groucho Marx's famous quip? "One morning I shot an elephant in my pyjamas. How he got into my pyjamas I'll never know.&q...
With April's end, we draw ever closer to Editors Canada's 2017 conference, entitled "Guardians of the Lexicons." With just o...
Standing up and standing out is easier than you may think! Picture this scene: You are speaking confidently in front of forty...
Leafing through a copy of The Editorial Eye, Vol. 17, No. 9 from September 1994, I noticed a helpful article on abbreviations for technical terms. In ...
TEC has had a number of dissertations cross our desks over the past few months, and working on these important documents is always a process that requ...
Having your thesis or dissertation edited by a professional editor can be an incredibly valuable investment. After all, a graduate degree is...
I'm set to play Jack Manningham in The Tipling Stage Company's production of Gaslight. And because the play, Patrick Hamilton's psycho...
If you haven't looked at a calendar yet today, you might not know that today, March 15, is actually the Ides of March. I'm sure you've hea...
Few punctuation marks are misused as often as the comma. Sadly, many semi-professional or hobby writers of today seem to think that the comma is...
The Book and Periodical Council's Freedom to Read Week, beyond simply being an annual event that showcases and remembers banned books, is an e...
Next week, from February 26 to March 4, we will be observing a very important event in Canadian culture: Freedom to Read Week. Freedom to Read Week is...
We at TEC welcome phone calls from our potential clients looking for guidance about the editing process and the cost of editing. When we recei...
Recently The Editing Company team participated in the "How to Meet People in a Room Full of Strangers" webinar hosted by Editors C...
Well, it's February 2017! We're solidly in Canadian winter, but we'll also be transitioning into spring soon (we can hope). In the spirit of great tra...
A Review of The Book: A Cover-to-Cover Exploration of the Most Powerful Object of Our Time by Keith Houston Life in the Digital ...
What do the words Y2K, plutoed, tweet, e-, they, and bailout have in common? Simple. They ha...
The new year is a time for reflection on the past year: what you did, how you grew, and what you learned. It's also a time to reflect on the coming ...
The holiday season has ended, and, after countless glasses of eggnog, mulled wine, and holiday-themed beer, many revelers are happy to...
We at TEC have launched a new event this Holiday Season. Instead of going out for lunch or dinner, we decided we would enjoy a full week of deliciou...
It sometimes seems like there is a never-ending supply of words that are confusing in one way or another! There are homonyms, synonyms, words ...
An author recently asked me how she could keep the page numbers in her document from appearing on the title page. She didn't want the actual numbering...
The past few years in Toronto have been very eventful for me: I've defended my PhD thesis, got married, started my freelance editing career, a...
Like so many projects,* it started out innocently enough: a book recommendation, interest piqued by a mark recurring throughout the text, a de...
Imagine you have been asked to write an article for the Rotman Management, the Magazine of the Rotman School of Management at the University o...
In the TEC office this month, we have been discussing a number of words and phrases that are easily confused and/or misused. So, for our blog ...