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Editing the New Language: Shifting Gender Norms and the Grammatical Conventions

Apr 27, 2016 - Amy Verhaeghe

The "They" Debate The use of "they" as a gender-neutral singular pronoun has been the subject of much debate in the publishing wo...


Toronto Place Names and What Not to Call Them

Apr 20, 2016 - Chris Cameron

  Every city has its own peculiarities of spelling and pronunciation. Some things you just have to know – such as the fact that the first ...


Canadian and American Spelling: Your Guide from H to P

Apr 13, 2016 - Barbara Kamienski

Variety Is the Spice of Life It's hard to believe that a whole month has gone by since we posted the first part of our Canadian and American spelling...


Editing & Hyphens: Tips on Hyphenating Your Writing

Apr 06, 2016 - Barbara Kamienski

We have been absolutely inundated with work this week at TEC! Because of our crazy schedules, we're re-posting one of our most useful blogs. Barbara...


Why English is So Hard: A Poem

Apr 01, 2016 - The TEC Team

It's April Fool's Day, and in lieu of pulling pranks, we've got humour of a more literary nature in mind. With April being National Poetry Month ...


Canadian vs. American Humour: Is there a Difference?

Mar 23, 2016 - Chris Cameron

  A 2012 article by Bruce McCall in Vanity Fair attempted to unravel the secret of Canadian humour (or "humor" as the magazine spelled...


Canadian and American Spelling: Your Guide from A to G

Mar 09, 2016 - Barbara Kamienski

  Vive la Différence! We all know that there's a difference between Canadian and American spelling,* and many of us have a basic grasp o...


3 Book-to-Movie Oscar Nominees: To Watch or To Read?

Mar 02, 2016 - Lesley-Anne Longo

  Oscar season might be over, but the many great movies that were nominated are still just as fantastic today as they were before the Oscars hap...


A Farewell-for-Now Post from Academic Editor Melissa

Feb 24, 2016 - Melissa MacAulay

  As some of you may know, I am taking a hiatus from editing this spring, as I'm expecting my first baby to arrive any day now.   Alth...


Let Me Rephrase That – The Fine (and Necessary) Art of Revising

Feb 18, 2016 - Chris Cameron

  An editor is an expert at revising collections of written words. In fact, one French term for editor is "réviseur." As a prof...


Transitions: What They Are and How to Use Them

Feb 10, 2016 - Lesley-Anne Longo

  While drafting the February edition of the TEC newsletter, I found myself flipping through Beth's collection of Editorial Eye back issues, sea...


Indexing Trauma: The Truth and Reconciliation Indexing Team

Feb 03, 2016 - Barbara Kamienski

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, established on June 1, 2008, issued its final report on December 15, 2015. In over two thousand pages of text...


3 Ways to Avoid Repetition in Writing

Jan 27, 2016 - Lesley-Anne Longo

When reading a document, there are any number of writing errors or distractions that can take you out of the moment and interrupt the flow of your rea...


What's Up @ TEC! February/March 2016 Edition

Jan 26, 2016 - Beth McAuley

Happy 2016! The end of the year allowed us to take some time to rest, relax, and recharge. We hope your holidays were great and, like us, you are now ...


4 Handy Tips: A Punctuation Primer

Jan 20, 2016 - Melissa MacAulay

  Below are a few of the most common punctuation-related errors or inconsistencies that we see here at TEC. Here is what you need to keep in min...


Margaret Atwood: A Triptych

Jan 12, 2016 - Beth McAuley

Triptych: From the Greek adjective meaning "three-fold": tri = three, ptysso = to fold, or ptyx = fold. Usually a panel painting that is div...


An Editor Contemplates Holiday Overindulgences

Jan 06, 2016 - Chris Cameron

The holiday season is like a mercifully distant relative who visits only once a year; I am always glad to see her arrive and always gladder to see her...


Last-Minute Gift Guide for Editorial Freelancers

Dec 22, 2015 - Alanna Brousseau

  If you're anything like me, you're likely still scrambling around the city and braving the inevitable crowds in search of the perfect gifts fo...


What's Up @ TEC! December/January Edition

Dec 13, 2015 - Beth McAuley

Though winter is not officially upon us until December 22, colder temperatures and frost-laden lawns have already been making appearances in Toronto...


The Pitch Line and Why Every Writer Needs One

Dec 08, 2015 - Lesley-Anne Longo

Here at TEC, we receive calls from potential clients who are new to the writing process. The usual questions are about our services and rates, and abo...


Guest Blog: Jacqueline Markowitz Opens Up to the Author-Editor

Dec 02, 2015 - Jacqueline Markowitz

    The original drafts of a novel create its structure and determine how the story will unfold. The years and years of editing that follo...


A Life in Words and Books

Nov 25, 2015 - Chris Cameron

    I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Ruth Hood, who looks back on a long life of editing and library science. I asked her to t...


The Curious Case of Canadian Poetry

Nov 18, 2015 - Alanna Brousseau

    No Canadian poets were mentioned in any of my high school English classes, and I’m certain that most of my hometown friends woul...


The Most Stolen Books

Nov 10, 2015 - Melissa MacAulay

    Inside the Big Bookseller In preparation for the upcoming (and costly!) holiday season, I recently picked up a part-time gig at Indig...


Another Way to Use Your Dictionary

Nov 04, 2015 - Barbara Kamienski

        Ah, reference books! What would we do without them? Whether lined up in neat rows on library shelves or haphazar...