It’s an exciting time in the TEC office — we have our new working space set up, our new website is launched, and our new editor is joining our team. A...
It has been quite the whirlwind of a year at TEC! We’ve had a lot of changes throughout 2018, many of which have culminated just within the last few m...
We have had a few calls recently from clients looking for help with business writing projects, so we thought we would repost this timeless blog to hel...
Citing sources from the internet is something most academic writers do all the time; papers can be written without consulting a single sheet o...
Inclusive writing is often confused with politically correct writing, but political correctness isn’t an author’s main goal when writing inclusively. ...
The summer is drawing to a close, but that doesn’t mean the festivities are over! For booklovers out there, you’ll be ...
Have you heard of any strange or amusing idioms, or perhaps have one you like to use? At TEC, we’re always interested in wordplay, so we were ex...
Recently, Beth and I were able to partake in a webinar put on by Editors Canada, entitled “The Editor’s Place in Ebook Development.”...
For centuries, questions of proper usage have provided editorial professionals fodder for debate. Although publishers’ styles ...
The publishing world has well-developed rules and guidelines for describing and citing work that exists as printed text. Things can be less cl...
Being good at social media is important for everyone. And I mean everyone. From Starbucks to The Editing Company to your own personal account—recogniz...
Punctuation marks are the signposts of prose. They indicate what’s important and where to pause. They add rhythm to your sentenc...
If you're looking for an intimate one-person show, a Mirvish-level musical, or a production somewhere between the two, Toronto is a great place to cat...
So, you’re moving into the finishing stages of writing your book and you’re beginning to think about acquiring an agent. At TE...
Commas, for any copy editor—or, for that matter, any copy writer—are a most familiar tool, as well as a potential source of frustration. C...
Back in September 2017, The Editing Company's own Barbara Kamienski wrote a great blog post about the linguistic challenges presented by subject-ver...
The postgraduate student researching the rise of postmodernism in the postwar period found herself with post-traumatic stress ...
As a keen-eyed reader, you have no doubt noticed that those little horizontal lines between words and numbers come in varying lengths. As a keen-eyed ...
We loved this blog when Nina first created it back in 2011. We are reposting it this month in honour of this month's TEC theme of comics! Check out la...
The American comic book industry has historically been a male-dominated enterprise. The names of famous male artists, writers,...
The Latin word ibidem, better known these days by its short form ibid., is one of the technical tools of academic writing and editing. Literally meani...
Behind every delicious comic is a very sharp-eyed editor. Or at least I'd like to think so! I'm mostly a comic writer/illustrator, but over time I lea...
One of our more popular blogs is 3 Ways to Avoid Repetition in Writing, in which I discus how repetition in writing can disengage your reade...
dramaturgy n. 1 the art of theatrical production; the theory of dramatics. 2 the application of this. dramaturgical adj. ~Paperback Oxfo...
It feels appropriate that my first post for the TEC blog is a review of a style guide. In the two months since I've started ...