Even as she was learning to co-ordinate fine motor skills using her tiny fingers at three years old, Jeanne Lamon knew she was meant to play the vio...
Greetings, gentle readers, and happy belated New Year! Here at TEC, we’ve returned from a restful holiday break with enough renewed energy to di...
“Anthropology!” said a chatty tech support guy who insisted on doing small talk rather than fixing my bank account problem. “That&...
It is nothing particularly groundbreaking or controversial to announce that, at eighty-one years old, Alice Munro is still one of the most brilliant...
When I turned 40 someone sent me a postcard with Bette Davis holding a pillow stitched with the words Old Age Ain’t No Place For Sissies. It w...
In 1994, when Gloria Steinem turned sixty, she published a collection of essays entitled Moving Beyond Words. Ms. Steinem is, of course, the f...
Two big events are happening for me this month. The first is that I’m a dozen items and a handful of loose ends away from completing the gigan...
When I graduated from university, I didn’t imagine that my career would involve working on websites. However, I’ve found the work to be us...
It’s getting cold out there in Toronto. Though the heap of projects on our desks grows ever larger, we TEC editors have still been finding the...
The Challenge I am a perfectionist. I realize this might not be the most shocking admission for an editor to make. Still, while it ser...
In Emily Schultz’s The Blondes, women’s preoccupation with hair (especially blonde hair) plays a major role. But there is, of course, some...
In her blog of August 12, Beth referred to my publication Marguerite Nakhla: Legacy to Modern Egyptian Art. I first learned about Ms. Nakhla (1908&nda...
The gusty winds of October are trimming the trees of their leaves here in Toronto. Hard to believe it is autumn and we are heading into winter. When w...
Ladies and gentlemen, today The Editing Company is launching their brand new eBook Conversion Services. This means that TEC will now not only edit...
Robert D. Oke looked us up in the Yellow Pages. It was the summer of 2010. He had recently finished writing a manuscript and was wondering if we at ...
Recently, a couple of us from The Editing Co. Team descended on the Communications building at Ryerson University for a one-day conference on all thin...
This summer, I rounded out my Ryerson Publishing credentials with my final course in the certificate program: Book Design. A daunting challenge for so...
One of the first booklets I read as an editor starting out was Author & Editor: A Working Guide, written by Rick Archbold, Doug Gibson, Dennis Lee...
It's August 1st and the summer is moving along at a steamy pace here in Toronto. Torontonians have experienced some hot weather and amazing thundersto...
Even in the few short weeks I’ve been here at The Editing Company, I’ve gotten to wear a lot of different hats on the job. One of my favou...
On April 14, 2010, Twitter Incorporated entered into a new partnership with the U.S. Library of Congress, one that would allow the LoC access to the e...
Staff Changes It’s always hard to see someone go, but it's equally exciting to welcome new faces to our team. At the end of May we bade a fon...
Today is my last day at The Editing Company. I feel sad as I write this because this marks the end of an era for me. However, I am also fille...
This is not something I ever wondered before working in publishing. In the past, I saw indexes as a minor annoyance, things that ordered me through a ...
Editing isn’t for everyone. It can be quite strenuous and demanding, as well as rewarding and satisfying. Those of us who are editors know that ...